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Randall Foote

5 Great tips to get the best from your headshot.

Most people go into a photoshoot with some nerves even if it's a straight forward business headshot. The ultimate goal of any decent photographer is to capture how you appear to others, authentically. Preparing for a business headshot is really quite easy, here is 5 simple things you can do to help your photographer improve the visual quality of your image. These suggestions are of a generic nature, relevancy should be considered based on how you identify.

1. What to wear?

This is the most fussed over topic, choose early and be done with it. Select a 'layered' outfit so you have some options. What I mean by layered is, bring a jacket to wear over a shirt and a tie if relevant. This way the jacket on or off is 2 different looks to choose from. As another example, should you wear a scarf? My philosophy is to go with how people can expect you to be dressed when they meet you. If you're going into winter, then accessories for cooler weather is perfectly fine. Remember to wear something with contrast, try not to have all layers blending in. The converse applies if the outfit is too busy, it will take away from your visual. If possible try not wear this outfit to the shoot, ask if you can change at the location.

2. Haircuts (as well as colour) and skin treatments etc.

You should not do hair or skin treatments within a week of your shoot. These kinds of changes should be allowed to settle before getting pictures made. Tanning should also done by a professional and they can advise you when best to aim for a shoot after the treatment. Gentlemen, shaving should be done right before you go to bed, in the morning just gently wipe your face with a face washer to refresh your skin. If you must shave in the morning, be gentle and avoid nicks and abrasions.

3. Clothing preparation.

This one is huge! BE SURE to wear clothes that fit correctly, yes we can pin them but if they're too small, Harry Potter will be needed. Get jackets cleaned and pressed and don't wear them until the day of the shoot (do however take them out of the bag from the drycleaner and undo the buttons). Shirts and blouses should be pressed (business shirts should be starched if possible). Above all bring your clothing on separate hangars and change at the shoot location (if possible), this alone can give amazing results.

4. Make Up.

First thing is DO NOT wear sunblock (just for the shoot), most makeup or face creams that contain sunblock can be reflective when the skin warms up. Your makeup and skin care should be as you would normally do, light and neutral. Remember we are aiming to have you look as people would see you in person. If you’re the host of the MET Gala then of course go your hardest. Authenticity is very important!

5. Timing your appointment.

Schedule the shoot at a time when you are not rushed. I normally suggest mornings, end of day eyes may not be ideal in some cases. If you come in frazzled, that will show in your picture. Schedule the time in your calendar and try to keep things light either side. A great tip is to be calm the night before, no working at home, go light on the alcohol and try and get a good nights rest.

Of course these suggestions can go into much more detail but if you do these things, it will make the experience smooth and enjoyable. The most important thing to remember is that we are trying to capture how WE see you! How you perceive the way you look is honestly less important to the viewer, they will draw their own conclusions regardless. Being authentic & genuine creates a picture that will help establish lasting connections and is extremely powerful.

I hope this article helps calm the nerves, I'm looking forward to seeing your next amazing headshot. Get in touch, I can certainly help you with that, make a booking today.

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